Month: May 2018

Auto Bolt Undergoes Digital Transformation with the Help of Cumulus and Plex

Auto Bolt Undergoes Digital Transformation with the Help of Cumulus and Plex Auto Bolt is a proud American cold-heading bolt manufacturer with over 65 years of experience in quality bolt-making. In 2017 the company took the leap and decided to take on the implementation of the Plex Manufacturing Cloud as the foundation for the company’s digital […]

PowerPlex 2018 Recap

This year’s PowerPlex user conference was an awesome event and a tremendous success for everyone that attended and took part in the valuable exchanges throughout the week in Detroit.  More than 1,000 great minds in manufacturing came together to share our collective experience and expertise in meeting industry challenges and leveraging innovative applications for the […]

Digital Transformation Solutions

Business and technology are changing – rapidly. We are in the initial stages of a new era and the next industrial revolution, popularly termed Industry 4.0. Harnessing the transformative power of the digital age is currently on every business leaders mind. Business and technology are evolving. From a disconnected model based on fragmented and disparate […]

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